Meet Alex

"One should really use the camera as though tomorrow you'd be stricken blind."
-Dorothea Lange
I have approached my journey as a therapist with the energy and sense of urgency that professional photographer Dorothea Lange spoke of in her words above. Striving to grow, learn and turn over every stone has always been a part of my nature as a human and in my career as a therapist. My background in the therapy world spans over a decade covering a variety of settings including prison, jail, outpatient, in-home family preservation and private practice. I obtained my Masters in Marriage and Family Therapy from Arizona State University and since that time have aimed to work with a diverse client population. I enjoy working with individuals, couples and families as the foundation of my program was built around the importance of relationships; relationship with the self and relationship with others and the world around us.
"What we don't need in the midst of struggle is shame for being human."
Brene Brown
"Be a mother to your feelings."
Karly Randolph Pitman
“Keep your eye on the bandaged place. It’s where the light gets in.”
"Sadness is how Nature takes care of us."
Dr. Gordon Neufeld